I downloaded the .torrent and installed it in a virtualbox instance.
Initial thoughts:

Initial thoughts:
- 698MB? Really? Maybe my basis for comparison is wonky since I've been using small linuxen for a few years, but 698MB for a netbook OS seems excessive.
- Torrent d/l is cool, but doesn't really seem to fit the target demographic.
- live version is a bit wonky; can't do many things.
- hangs for long periods in virtualbox: "initializing virtualbox driver" for several minutes during the install. Less of a problem once installed.
- requires 2.4GB minimum to install. Yikes.
- the integration with my.jolicloud.com is interesting
- the integration with facebook is frightening. I do NOT like this trend.
- requires a net connection - everything is in the cloud as the name suggests
- updates happened automagically. See screenshot below:

Didn't crop some of the screenshots, sorry. In case you're wondering the desktop behind the VM is the fluxbox window manager on xubuntu linux bones.
This type of greatly-simplified interface in the shot above was widely panned a few years ago when it was tried on Xandros:

Reminds me of how everyone mocked the tablet form factor until Saint Steve blessed the iPad. BTW, here's an iPad joke:
Q: how do you know if someone has an iPad?
A: they'll tell you.
True, and annoying.
This is what my little Eee notebook looks like these days. It's running Puppy 5.1.1, weighing in at ~130MB:

Reminds me of how everyone mocked the tablet form factor until Saint Steve blessed the iPad. BTW, here's an iPad joke:
Q: how do you know if someone has an iPad?
A: they'll tell you.
True, and annoying.
This is what my little Eee notebook looks like these days. It's running Puppy 5.1.1, weighing in at ~130MB:

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