I have been laying on compost this summer, and will winter the chickens over the garden later this year. Both of these should increase Nitrogen for next spring.
So I don't expect much from the garden this year. But I did want to share my experiment with vertically growing tomatoes. Here's a bit of scribble I emailed to my father about the experiment:
I think it's a promising idea; I got it from the Square Foot Gardening guy. It's basically a way of increasing density in small plots.
When/if we get any fruit I'll support those vines with additional sisal.
Theoretical benefits:
- Since they are vertically planted, other/lower plants can be planted on the sun-side.
- The majority of the plant is held up out of reach of ground-level bugs and standing birds. I trimmed the leaves about 1' up to minimize rot/mildew from watering.
- no rot induced by fruit laying on ground
- toms appear to enjoy growing vertically; not bushy/hunchbacked like when I grew them in cages. They aren't hard-tied to the verticals at all; just guided alongside the vertical with loose sisal loops.